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How to Write AI Prompts: Best Tips and Tricks

Updated: Aug 23, 2023

Not sure what to type inside an AI chatbot to get the information you need? Discover the best tips on crafting effective prompts | Learn Now with Sunago Education!

Inspiration can be hard to come by, but AI can help.

What's an AI Prompt?

An AI prompt is any form of text, question, information, or coding that communicates to AI what response you're looking for. Whether you're using AI prompts for creative writing, problem-solving, or interactive conversations, crafting effective prompts is key to getting the most out of your AI interactions.

In this blog post, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to write clear and effective AI prompts.


  • What Makes a Good AI Prompt? 5 Useful Tips and Tricks

  • Ask AI to write your emails with these 5 AI Prompts!

What Makes a Good AI Prompt? 5 Useful Tips and Tricks

1. Keep it Simple and Clear

When creating AI prompts, simplicity is key. Use plain and concise language that is easy to understand, avoiding complex sentence structures or jargon. Break down the prompt into short, straightforward sentences to ensure clarity and comprehension.

Bad Prompt: Too broad and complex

For example: "Tell me everything about the history of the universe and explain all the scientific theories and concepts associated with it."

Good Prompt: Clear and focused on a particular topic

For example: "Can you provide a brief overview of the Big Bang theory and its significance in understanding the origins of the universe?"

2. Be Specific and Provide Context

To get the most relevant and accurate responses, be specific in your prompts and provide the necessary context. Clearly state what information or answer you are seeking from the AI model. Consider including relevant details, such as names, locations, or specific scenarios.

Bad Prompt: Too general and lacks context

For instance: "AI, tell me about the weather."

Good Prompt: Specific and provides the necessary context

For instance: "Hello AI, could you please provide me with the current weather forecast for Kuala Lumpur? I would like to know the temperature, humidity, and if there's any chance of rain."

3. Use Open-ended Questions

Open-ended questions encourage detailed and creative responses from the AI model. Instead of asking simple yes/no questions, prompt the AI to provide insightful and meaningful answers. This can lead to more engaging conversations and generate interesting content.

Bad Prompt: Closed-ended question, simple "yes" or "no" answer

Example: "Can you teach me English?"

Good Prompt: Open-ended question to get a more elaborate response

Example: "What are some effective ways to enhance English language learning? Share your insights and suggestions for different techniques, resources, or strategies that have helped you or others in their journey to learn English."

4. Incorporate Personalisation and Empathy

To make the AI interactions more relatable and engaging, incorporate personalisation and empathy into your prompts. Address the AI model as if it were a real person and use conversational language. This helps create a friendly and comfortable environment for users to interact with the AI.

Bad Prompt: Generic, random and lacks personalisation

Example: "Hey AI, tell me some recipes."

Good Prompt: Incorporates personalisation and empathy.

Example: "Hello AI, I'm a vegetarian looking for easy and quick dinner recipes. Recommend some recipes that I can try at home."

5. Avoid leading or biased questions

Leading or biased questions are those that steer the respondent towards a particular answer or reflect a predetermined bias. These types of questions can influence the AI's response and compromise its ability to provide unbiased and accurate information.

Bad Prompt: Include a biased statement

For example: "Don't you think that product X is the best on the market?"

Good Prompt: Provide an unbiased overview

For example: "What are some features and benefits of different products in the market?"

Ask AI to write your emails with these 5 AI Prompts!

Need AI prompt ideas for your emails? Here are some of the best prompts for professional emails that you can use today.

1. Requesting Information

"I am a [job role] and I am emailing [background of recipient].

Draft an email requesting information about [topic].

The information required includes [list specific information required]."

2. Scheduling a Meeting

"Draft an email to schedule a meeting with a colleague on [date & time] at [location of the meeting].

The meeting is to discuss [topic of meeting].

Include a meeting agenda."

3. Following Up

"I am a [job role] at [company name].

We provide [business services/product].

I met a potential client at [event].

Write an email to follow up with the potential client.

Include an invitation to meet on [date & time]."

4. Expressing Gratitude

"Using a [friendly/professional/warm tone], draft a thank-you email to express gratitude for a recent favour or assistance.

The recipient has helped me resolve the issue of [description of issue] by [description of the assistance offered]."

5. Apologising

"Draft an email apologising to [details of recipient] for [situation/mistake].

Please include solutions to resolve the issue.

Keep the tone [sincere/thoughtful/empathetic]."


Creating effective AI prompts is an art that requires clarity, specificity, and creativity. By using the tips shared above you can engage the AI model in meaningful conversations. Now, go ahead and unleash your creativity with these tips and templates for creating compelling AI prompts!


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